Santos imigrantes

Walter Salles’ I’m Still Here’s scene, where the oldest daughter shares her thoughts on what it is like living in 1970s London as Brazilian, inspired me to create my own version of it. Santos Imigrantes is a short film with personal clips I recorded while living in the UK for the past five years with occasional visits to Brazil. I wanted to touch on the idea that one can’t fully comprehend another culture by omitting subtitles and using a nostalgic presentation.

Women’s march through my lenses

The year of 2016 was marked by significant abortion-rights movements and pro-women marches in Brazil. In these pictures, I tried to capture how different genders and social classes perceived one of the biggest protests led by the women of São Paulo that year.

It’s not that serious,

a drag show about doomsday

Brazilian 90’s kids shows and 2001: A Space Odyssey inspired the visual identity of the show.

Editor: Gabriel Teixeira @teix_gabriel

Creative director: Beatriz Scotuzzi

The drag show It’s Not That Serious, produced and hosted by Beatriz, had the iconic LGBTQ+ venue The Glory as its home in 2023 and 2024. Every show had a brand new cast of drag performers exploring dark comedy in their acts.

Lockdown art

After a couple of months of moving to the United Kingdom, the covid-19 pandemic started. During the year 2020, I had the chance to play with different art forms…